Read Denise's inside look at her cropping experience...(don't forget that Scrap Shotz is hosting a Passion for Fashion crop starting Friday January 29, 2010).
A Cropping I (Denise) Did Go...
A crop is the annual or season's yield of any plant that is grown in significant quantities to be harvested as food, as livestock fodder, fuel, or for any other economic purpose. (Wikipedia)
Uhmmm…not so much.
Crop (social event), an event where scrapbookers get together, at someone's house, in a scrapbook store or another event, and scrapbook.. (Wikipedia)
For many scrappers the holy grail of their craft/hobby/art is to attend a weekend crop to scrapbook to their hearts content without interruption for meal prep, laundry, chauferring to hockey/trampolining/dance/drama/piano (or all 5 in the span of 3 hours!) and answering the incessant “Mooooooom?” OK, I stand corrected…the real holy grail would be to sail away on one of those scrapbook cruises. Truthfully, I’d be too conflicted to pay to go on one of these. Do I spend my days in a dark meeting room with scissors and glue or do I get out and enjoy the on-ship pool and the warm rays of the sun and visit the various ports of call to enjoy the tropical scenery and the warm rays of the sun? Not to mention those drinks with the little umbrellas! I’m thinking anything that has to do with the warm rays of the sun would beat out scissors and glue. However, if I won a cruise or had a generous benefactor that wanted to buy my ticket I would have no qualms about spending my time in a dark meeting room with my glue and scissors (and perhaps a drink with an umbrella.)
OK, so in my reality a weekend get away is my holy grail and I recently came home from a wonderful weekend where I was provided with 6 meals, a wonderful bed all to myself, 12 feet of table space (and believe me, I used every inch of it!) a comfy padded chair (with wheels so I could quickly maneuver around my 12 feet of table space) and the enjoyable company of others who apprecaite being locked up in a windowless room for 3 days as much as I do. Now, I’ve also cropped at rustic locations where I’ve slept in squeeky bunkbeds made for pre-teens with 6+ other women (also in squeeky bunkbeds – ask me how I know!) and had a folding chair with 2 feet of table space. But you know what? As long as the company is good (and the food!) you can overcome these little (and those beds, chairs and limited table spaces were indeed little) obstacles and go on to create paper masterpieces.
For you uninitiated here’s how a crop goes…
You spend roughly 40 hours getting ready to go, between getting photos printed, matching patterned paper/card stock/embellishmnets, packing a few snacks and making the 13 trips out to your van to get everything loaded up (and FYI it only takes one trip to get the snacks!) Dan can’t understand why I don’t just stay home and crop. Ummm, yeah – please refer to paragraph 1!
You arrive at your destination and it only takes you 3 trips to get all your stuff inside because they have these wonderful carts to speed up the process.
You set up. This includes plugging in various accessories such as lamps, lap-tops, digital cutters and coolers (I told you I was bringing snacks!)
You get down to the business of scrapping, taking breaks only for meal times, bathroom trips, a sojourn to the LSS (Local Scrapbook Store) and a few hours of shut eye.
Reluctantly you pack up and take your 3 loads back out to your vehicle. Oddly enough your load has not lightened. It would seem that the void left by the consumption of snacks and beverages and all the bits of papers left laying on the meeting room floor has been filled by purchases at the LSS.
You arrive home where you may or may not bring your 13 loads back into the house. Even if you do bring them in, you may or may not unpack them sometime within the next week. Who am I kidding…the next month.
You run around like a mad woman trying to un-do everything that has been done and do everything that was left un-done in your house while you were away for 3 measley days. But oh how you loved those 3 measley days.
One of the neat things about cropping with friends is that you get to feed off their creativity and draw inspiration from their work. There is a lovely acronym in the scrapping world, CASE, which stands for copy and steal everything. AKA scraplifting – makes us sound like a bunch of criminals, doesn’t it? My little group like to display their creations up on the wall for inspiration (and easier copying/stealing.)
One of the issues with scrapping is how to organize and transport all the supplies that we collect. Some of us feel the need to bring everything we own to a crop cuz you just never know when you might need something. I’d hate to have my creative energy sucked out of me just because I didn’t have that one perfectly matched ribbon or eyelet with me so I like to err on the side of caution.
I also like to wander around and look at what other people bring with them to crops. At this last crop I found 2 cool inventions.
This first one is a ribbon holder made from a recycled Girl Guide Cookie box. This ingenious, environmnetally friendly scrapper has spray painted her box, drilled holes and added washers to encircle the holes for this awesome looking and easily transported storage idea.
Secondly, another scrapper has collected her bits of ribbons (but you could do this with buttons, chipboard alphas, etc) into little ziplock baggies and has hole punched the sides twice and run binder rings through the holes. By having the two rings it gives enough support for this holder to stand up on its on. This picture shows two holders stacked.
Besides scrapping, the thing we do best at these crops is talk and laugh. Sometimes I wonder how we accomplish anything. Do you suppose my output (usually the lowest in the group) is directly related to the amount of laughing and talking I do? Perhaps I should also mention that I require huge amounts of chocolate to get my creativity kick started. So between talking, laughing and eating I usually manage to create about 10 pages.
My little group plans these get aways twice a year, in spring and fall. If it weren’t for the probability of traveling in the middle of a snowstorm I’m sure we would try for a weekend in the dead of winter too. I hope that you also get a chance to experience a weekend crop. Why, I’ve even gone back after having to vacate the premises in the middle of the night for a fire alarm – and it was a real fire! Not only is it a chance to crop uniterrupted but a chance to renew old friendships and create new ones. Scrappers are the friendliest bunch of people I’ve ever met and most are not in the least bit inhibited in sharing stories that could make you pee your pants from laughter. I’d tell you more about the antics and laughs but we have a little saying with our group, “What happens at NavCan stays at NavCan.”
Thanks Denise for this excellent report; so when is the next report???
Wow Denise... what a great write up on Cropping... I love that you put your creations on the walls for all to see what a great idea
Hmm... I recognize all that stuff.. ;-) I am NOT missing the next one!
I see me there! I always enjoy your blog Denise!
Awesome job Denise! Wish I could have been there
Ain't that the truth! LOL
Oh my gosh Denise- you are awesome! What a fun post!!!
Tough job you've got! LOL! Great writing - I enjoyed it.
What a wonderful and hilarious take on things, and also truthful!! Thanks for sharing!!
I will definitely be directing my dh to this when he asks again why I don't just stay home to scrap.
So very true! Great entry Denise!
I love crops!
Can't wait for friday
this is awesome! love your take on it, desise!
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