Tuesday, January 7, 2014

It's a New Year!!!

Happy New Year !!! From everyone at Scrap Shotz, we wish you all a wonderful 2014 filled with much happiness and ... scrappy time too :-)

What are you planning to work on first? Do you need some motivation and inspiration to get started? I know I do as I have taken a bit of a hiatus near the end of last year. Do you have any goals for this year?

I would love to hear from you in answer to any of the above questions...and will offer a RAK in a random drawing to one lucky commenter. If you encourage a friend to comment, I will enter your name 3 times into the drawing...so let me hear from you!!!

The commenting will close on Friday January 10, 2014 at 6 pm MST. I will draw and announce the winner on Monday January 13, 2014.


Anonymous said...

Hello! I've decided that I really need to do more layouts this year. I've been doing a lot of cards for so long that I need to switch gears. I've got so much product that I need to use and the best way is bigger projects. I must have 4 or 5 different albums that I need to finish up. I blew the dust off of my pagemaps books, found a creative scrappers book with some great sketches so I am ready to go!!! I'm aiming for about 5 each month so we'll see how that goes along :)

Rosie said...

I'm doing PL again and while I love the project my "regular" scrapping fell by the wayside somewhat so I want to do more traditional layouts this year. I also want to make a mini book for both myself and DH with some of our childhood photos.

Bluenocs said...

I have so many ideas of projects to do....but am sooooo lacking in motivation. What to do first, what to do first....maybe make up a list of projects and then put together some kits for said projects. That might help me a bit. But first...to muck out my mess of a scraproom!!!

Connie V.

missgailly said...

I'd like to finish up a couple of trip albums.

Ruby said...

I have lots to do for 2014. My first thing to do is my calendar page for Jan.2014 and go back to 2009 and do 3 months there. It will be an ongoing hobby for me. I want to do some Project Life special pages but I really like to do the more paper fuzzy layouts. The PL will be like a summary over the years. Thanks for all the work you do here on the Blog.

Chantal said...

My friend Gail (dawn@intranet.ca)directed me to your blog. This year, I will endeavour to go outside my comfort zone for my layouts.

Lorraine said...

My plan is to continue with PL, and keep plugging away at my grand children's and my vacation albums. Thanks for all you do on the blog, V!

cm said...

Hi and what a great question! I'm rather passionately obsessed with card-making, so creating those are on my radar 100%. My sister-in-law - who had me make 90 Christmas tags for her staff and volunteers - has already put in an order for a large number of birthday and thank you cards. As well, I'll be making Valentine cards for my niece and nephew's day card pals. Entering card-challenges - totally on my list as well! Crafting a-plenty is my goal! So delighted to have found your blog and shop - wonderful places to visit and the shopping is amazing!

Anonymous said...

I have to go baby steps, so first things first, resurrect my craft room and unpack all of my goodies! I need to assess and clean out all of my old stock. Then I can start some new projects!

I am signed up for Crop4kids in March, so I hope if i haven't gotten my butt in gear by then, that will be my kickstart! I have a mini-book I really want to start and finish.....

Darla said...

Just about completed 2013. Once I get my photos I'm starting on our Christmas Mexico trip. I just keep plugging away at it, and it makes me so excited to see a completed album!

Mildred said...

My friend Gail (dawn@intranet.ca)directed me to your blog.
I want to get my trip album done this year.