Friday, April 1, 2011

Fabulous Friday - Chromotherapy Challenge

Today we have a wonderful Chromotherapy challenge from the Lovely Laura. 

I love spring, the temperatures are warmer, the sun shines longer, and everyone just seems happier.  Well happy means happy colours!  So this week I would like you to use these colors
Blue - the blue skies are shining
Orange - one of my favourite spring flowers - the daylily
and green - for the beautiful green grass, leaves, and shrubs.
Here is your palette
and here is my example using the Fancy Pants ~ Like Father line available at the Scrap Shotz store!

Beautiful layout and wonderful challenge - thanks Laura!!!!


  1. Love that layout, and those colors are fabulous! Great job, Laura! I'm going to go give the challenge a try right now!

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  4. Once you get your chromotherapy mood light kit for your bathroom, you could definitely enjoy the spa experience right at your own home.
