Friday, April 15, 2011

Fabulous Friday - Anything But Challenge

Welcome, welcome, welcome on this Fabulous Friday!!! We have a wonderful challenge from the marvellous Melissa!

One of my favorite things to do while I am “scrappy surfing” the internet is to take a sneak peek into the scrap spaces of others.  I love photos people post of where they create, and it doesn’t matter to me if it is someone famous - like Ali Edwards or Jennifer McGuire – or if it is the scrapper down the street sharing their space.  Each of these rooms has wonderful storage ideas and a personality of their own.

One of the things that I am typically envious of is how “decorated” some of the scrap spaces are.  My scrap room is bright and big, I am very lucky there, but it is largely functional.  It just contains my hoard of supplies tucked into this organizer or that one, there is nothing to reflect my personality.  I adore my space, but it is quite plain.  I decided to change that with this week’s challenge!

I decided to make this wall art for my challenge.  The pink paper is from everyone’s favorite manufacturer, Echo Park – one of the patterns in their Be Mine collection.  The letters are die cut from smooth Bazzill cardstock.

My challenge to you this week is to create something beautiful for your creative space.  We can all use a little more pretty in our lives, right??  Go nuts, just make something for YOU!!

OH Melissa!!! That is just such a darling project! Thanks for sharing!!!


  1. that's adorable Melissa! I'm totally going to do this!

  2. Fantastic Melissa, wonderful project!

  3. Last night I assembled a bunch more shelves for my (endlessly growing) stash. Does that count? How about if I tell you that they are Ivar shelves, from Ikea, and that the smell of wooden Ikea furniture is my favourite smell in the world? Sometimes the "personal touch" is not something that can be captured on film, unfortunately.
