Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Roving Reporter- Scraproom Organization

January is traditionally the month of "Back to Basics" where organization and purging are the key themes of the month. I'm thrilled to have one of Scrap Shotz's newest members give us a tour of her scraproom and share her tips for organization. (And she has a beautiful scraproom that I adore!)

Hi! My name is Charlotte and I'm a fairly new member of ScrapShotz! I'm really excited to be your Roving Reporter today! Like many of you, I'm always interested in scrapbook organization. I keep looking at different scraprooms, trying to get some ideas on how to organize my growing amount of stuff! Some, ( like my darling husband) might say that I just need to get rid of some of it and I wouldn't have this problem! LOL! I'm not sure quite what he's getting at! Everyone knows I NEED all that stuff! Today, I thought I'd share with you how I'm presently organizing and storing all my precious materials!

Here is a broad look at my room. I am lucky enough to have the den as my entire space. On the right hand side is my desk that has my computer, printer and scanner on it. It's a fairly small room, but I've managed to get 2 tables in here.

These containers sit on top of one of my tables. I have the drawers filled in themes of Seasons and some of the major holidays that I have alot of material for, like Christmas. The one on the left holds all my scraps of cardstock organized by color. The one on the right has all my stamping material in it.

My favourite way of storing my scissors and punches is in this shoe holder that goes over the door. I can easily see what I'm looking for this way.

I found this really great holder in the kitchen department. I'm not sure what it's real purpose is, but it hold jars of flowers really great!

My collection of ribbon is sorted out in old, zippered drapery bags that I kept and then housed in baskets.

My husband made me these shelves that hold my cardstock. All the slots are 12X12 and are just perfect for organizing by color. I also have one of these sitting underneath my table, but had to clear out most of the shelves because my grandson kept pulling things off! One day, I'll restock them!

I purchased 2 of these containers from the hardware store. They are just great for holding all small items like buttons, brads and metal embellishments.

This wonderful item sits on my desk and holds all the things that I use daily like adhesives, pens, tools, etc. Well, that is, when they aren't sitting all over the top of my desk! It would also be great for people who go to crops often. You can just grab the whole thing and go!

These crates, I got from Staples along with some hanging file folders. There's another one sitting on the floor. I keep themes in one of them and in the other two I have my patterned paper all sorted out by manufacturer. They are sitting on some rolling carts with drawers that keep things like letter stickers, chipboard pieces and all kinds of other odds and ends. Up above, you can see a bulletin board. I cut all the boxes from my Slice machine cartidges and hung them up here so that at a glance, I can see which one I want to use.

Last, this is a photo of my closet. DH made shelves in here so that I can keep albums, books and other things.

Well, I hope you've enjoyed this little tour of my space and perhaps even gotten an idea or two! I'd love for you to share any great ideas you have for storing materials as well. I'm constantly organizing and then re-organizing when I find a better solution!

Thanks SO much for sharing!


  1. Awesome Charlotte! So nice to see where you create!

  2. very cool! I'm a big sucker for scrapbook organziation!

  3. Thanks for sharing your scraproom with us. I am always looking for better ideas for organizing. I like the shoe hanger. I had one from the $ store but it broke with the weight. I will look for a better one like yours . It looks strong.

  4. Thanks for sharing your space with us Charlotte!

  5. I have some of those containers from the hardware store too, love them! Great storage ideas Char, thanks for sharing!

  6. Fabulous ideas, Char! TFS!

  7. Thanks for the tips! Fabulous ideas!

  8. Love your space, Charlotte! Thanks for the tour!
