Thursday, December 23, 2010

Be Inspired! in December - Candy Cane Wrappers

2 more days until Christmas; are you ready? Here is a quick and super fun gift idea from Stephanie!

If you’re looking for an inexpensive easy to make gift to hand out over the holiday season, here’s a great idea that I saw on a blog.

Start with a box of candy canes.

Remove them from the box but leave them wrapped. Go to your printer and print up a bunch of Christmas sayings in strips. Leave space between the lines and cut the strips.

Put a small amount of adhesive in the middle of the back side of the strip and fold it around your candy cane. More adhesive will hold the ends together.

Trim the ends with decorative scissors or just clip. Now you have a small gift for your children’s friends, the baby sitter, or the children in your neighbourhood!

These are just darling! Thanks Stephanie for your inspiration!

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