Friday, January 23, 2009

Subitting Your Work!

So tell me. 
And be honest.
When was the last time you submitted something to a magazine for possible publication?
This past week, last month, last year, or ... NEVER?
I know.
I know.
Some of you are thinking "Oh no. I don't want to do this."
But, hear me out.
O.K.? ;)

Well, consider my little post today somewhat of a challenge to you.  I understand that for some of you this is something that you try to keep up with on a regular basis but others of you it may never have crossed your mind or you are think you have no chance at all of getting published.

To those of you who have never submitted I want to encourage you to give it a shot.  I know you might be timid about sending your work in but you just never know what they are looking for.  You really don't.   If you're not sure what to submit you can check out the magazine sites online and see what calls they have going (I will post a list at the end of this post).  If you feel you have nothing that fits those specific calls then you can always submit something under a "general" category.  I've had a few picked up that way myself.

Some tips:
  • take a good, clear photo of your finished layout/card/altered project
  • keep a record of the supplies you used (because they will ask for that)
  • if you used a computer font (make note of what it was)
  • submit often  - please don't give up after your first try

Always remember this is a talented field we are dealing with and there are many, many scrapbookers out there.  Pat yourself on the back for submitting in the first place.  I know that the waiting is the hardest part of all and then seeing people post that they "got that call" can sometimes be even hard to bear.  But, put a smile on your face because you know that your work is amazing and you created it for you & your family to enjoy. Please don't ever give up!

I've worked for Canadian Scrapbooker since it first began (yes, I'm going to put in in a little plug for them right now! ;)) and they are awesome at getting new faces published. Plus if you think you have a photo that would work for the cover - SEND IT IN!!! They would love to see it!

Ok. Here's a list of some magazines that have calls out.
Scrapbook Trends & CARDS - Beads magazine and PaperCrafts are also listed here

Pubs Calendar - is a great place for all sorts of calls and contests

I know there's a few more but my mind  is drawing a blank right now.
So I do hope that this has helped some of you.
Encouraged some of you.
Given you that extra little "push" you needed.

Hugs to you all!


  1. Great advice Cari! I hope to see more SSZ ladies submitting because we've got amazing talent here!!

  2. Thanks for your motivating and inspiring post Cari! Come on SSZ girls - submit! I love opening a magazine and going..."I know her!!!" Good luck everyone!

  3. Well I'm glad you didn't double dog dare us! LOL I love to see all my friends in print...and you're right... there is so much amazing talent just waiting to be discovered!
