Thursday, January 15, 2009

Refresh Your Year!!!

Like many of you, I am deeply inspired by Ali Edwards. What I love about Ali is that she is down to earth and she speaks to Me. Like many of Ali fans, I too have chosen a word to live by this year; my word is Refresh. Refresh has also been described as rejuvenate, revitalize, renew and reinvigorate. I want to revitalize all areas of my life – not big changes but small changes that all add up to a big change – and that includes scrapbooking too!

This year, I am refreshing my passion for this amazing hobby that has allowed me to make new friends and see my life in different ways by learning new ideas and techniques! That’s right, I am shaking it up! So I registered for Kathy’s Digi Diva and Just Shoot Me classes which starts on January 19 and January 26, respectively – I am quivering with excitement! Just to feel a bit more comfortable with Photoshop Elements or to shoot a clear picture in manual mode – wow, that is BIG for me!

I am also reinvigorating my stash by participating in the Trash Your Stash challenge. I am looking at my existing stash and breathing new life into what I have on hand by mixing and matching with items I never thought I would – and you know what? I like it; I really do! What is more satisfying that using up all those gorgeous papers and embellishments that you have lovingly purchased? How about joining me as I experiment with different sizes – have you tried a 6x12 layout? And what about Amber and Jess's series of challenges - Capture Your Culture challenges? These challenges are some of the details our family and friends in years to come want to read about along with the birthdays and playdates and vacations. Come on, give it a try!

As well, I have adopted Ali’s number one guiding creative philosophy: “It is OK.” Yes, it IS OK to just let go, to feel the freedom to create in any style, on whatever inspires you at the moment and to be imperfect. There I said it, to be imperfect! So stopping waiting for the perfect photo to pair with the perfect papers and the perfect accents – just go for it! Try it – it is an amazing feeling! And don’t forget to share your projects in our gallery which is just brimming with inspiration – Scrap Shotz has a bevy of talented ladies!

Another important area that I am refreshing is my lifestyle. I am working to consistently incorporate healthy choices and exercise into my busy family life. I am not saying it is easy and that I will not slip here and there but I want to try. Join us in the Health & Wellness forum for some everyday helpful tips. Share your successes with us. If you need a pick-me-up, this is where you will find it too!

So are you going to join me in refreshing your life?


  1. Refresh is a fantastic word for 2009 V! Lots of encouraging words here, I agree that now is a great time to refresh our outlook on scrapbooking along with other areas of our lives! Lots of good links to check out too!

  2. Love your "word"... we're going to have a fabulous start this year with the awesoem classes and challenges...can't wait!

  3. Fabulous word for the year V! I love your positive, up-beat, and willing to try anything attitude.

  4. What a motivating post! I love your ambition to keep developing your creative side, and that is an inspiration to many of us!
