Thursday, January 8, 2009

Active Living

Okay, for all of you who are fans of Ali Edwards you know that she chooses a word a year to be her motto, her inspiration, her zen shall we say. Well this year is my first time taking part and after much thought and consideration I have my word. My word to live by for 2009 is 'active'. I think this word encompasses all aspects of my life - yes, I need to get more physically active, but I also want to strive to be a more active participant in my life. I want to get involved, I want to learn, I want to make the most of my time.

So that being said, I just signed up for one of the classes that SSZ is offering - "Digi Diva Wannabes!". It surprised me a little at first that I was so intrigued by this class. I'm not at all a digital scrapper and have never really been that interested in it before. I could never give up traditional scrapping with paper and embellishments - I love to create with my hands and I get a rush just feeling all the different textures of supplies. However, it would be nice to know a little bit more on how to manipulate my photos and learn a few techniques in Photoshop (I am really such a beginner!!). This class just sounds like it would be the perfect introduction to this somewhat new frontier for me . If you're interested in this particular class, there's a chance to win your registration fee. See the details here.

Kathy has many more classes to participate in if you're not keen on being a Digi Diva. You can see them
here. I took a photography class last spring instructed by Kathy and she is an absolutely wonderful teacher. She has a knack for explaining terms in a natural, easy to understand way; and I loved that I could do the lessons at my leisure. I now have a binder of all the lessons and refer to it often. If you haven't taken a class by Kathy or if you're on the fence about signing up, I'd highly recommend that you take the won't regret it! Maybe we'll be classmates!!


  1. I am sooooo gonna be a digi diva with you! LOL Can't wait!

  2. Love your choice of 'word' Laura and how you've spun it into different meanings. Enjoy your class, Kathy is a great teacher. :)

  3. You're right- sounds like good stuff Laura!

  4. Thanks for being such a good cheerleader, Laura!! Love your word :)

  5. Thanks for sharing your word Laura! I'm gonna be a Digi Diva too!

  6. Thanks for sharing your word Laura! I'm gonna be a Digi Diva too!
