Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Fabulous Find - EK Success Border Punches

Punches. We all have them but are we really using them to their potential?

The EK Success Slim Edger Punch - Embossed Curve is one of my favorite punches. Why? Well, it is super versatile. You can make a border from cardstock or pattern paper as seen below.

Or you can later your borders as seen in the layout below.

Or you can roll up a bunch of punched borders to make a rose as seen below.

I love this punch and would love to hear how you are using your EK Success Slim Edger Punch - Embossed Curve. Please share :-)


  1. I want that punch! That rose is lovely!

  2. Now I get why that punch is so super awsome! I totally want one now! Great examples btw!

  3. Great job showing the versatility of the punch! I love it and should use it more! Thanks, V!

  4. This is my favourite punch too! I have used it for borders on my scrap pages and on cards!
