Thursday, December 17, 2009

The 12 Days of Christmas - Day 8 we have a lovely keepsake ornament from Wendy.

***This project uses the Zutter bind-it-all. If you do not have a Bind-it-all, you can use staples, a whole punch or ribbon to attach.***

Here are the instructions:
1. Cut patterned paper (PP) to 5 1/2" x 5 1/4"

2. Position the 5 1/2" side of the PP in front of you as the base. Make the following marks-
* Measure 1 1/4" in from the corner on the top and bottom
* On the 5 1/4" side, mark the mid-point, approximately 2 5/8" from the edge
* Draw intersecting lines through the mid-point to the closest point along the base
* Cut the sides to create a a hexagon - you will be making 6 cuts.

3. Now cut 3 squares measuring 3"x3". Cut each squares on the diagonal to create 2 triangles for a total of 6 triangles.

4. Cut 2 pieces of white cardstock (CS) 6" x 5 3/4" For each piece of white CS,
* Position the 6" side as your base, measure 1 3/8" in from the corner
* Mark the mid-point on the 5 3/4" side, approximately 2 7/8"
* On each side, draw six lines intersecting lines through the mid point to its closest point along
the base
* Cut along the lines to create a hexagon - you will be cutting 6 times.

6. Now cut 6 squares measuring 3 1/2" x 3 1/2". Again, cut each square on the diagonal to
create 2 triangles. There will be a total of 12 triangles.

7. Glue the PP hexagon to one of the white cardstock hexagons. Make sure the PP is centered inside the cardstock hexagon.

8. Glue one PP triangle to one cardstock triangle. Make sure the PP is within the CS triangle. Repeat 6 times.

9. Now create holes for the binding:
* Place the hexagon without PP on the table first
* Place the hexagon with the PP on top. Have the PP facing up
* Place one triangle with PP face down on one of the hexagon sides
* Place one triangle without PP on top of other triangle
* Line up all 4 pieces of paper along the side to be cut and punch binding holes
* Repeat 5 times for each side of the hexagon

10. Bind all 6 triangles to the hexagon

11. For each triangle put a piece of foam tape at the points between the CS triangle and the PP triangle to add dimension. Repeat 5 times.

12. Punch a hole in the top. Add ribbon to hang and decorate as desired.

Thank you Wendy for sharing this beautiful project! Please let Wendy know too!


  1. Wow, that is gorgeous! What a neat idea!

  2. That is very cool Wendy! Love the silver and blue together!
    ~Amber T.

  3. Great project for my *gently used* bind-it-all! Beautiful work!

  4. this would make a cute little hostess gift to give away! thanks Wendy...

  5. Aaahhhhh, this is the hint that you left on the message board that I was to daft to pick up. What a wonderful idea, I will have to file this one away for next year!

  6. wow this is cool TFS
