Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Lovin'

In just 48 hours, summer will officially arrive! Yee-haw! And you know what that means, right? More flexible schedules, margaritas at 500 pm, heat, sunshine, margaritas at 700 pm (!) - just plain ol' summer lovin'!

If you are like me, you want to scrap even though the lawn chaise is calling your name but you don't want to spend hours inside working on your projects. But a girl's gotta get her fix? So what is she going to do? Well, to make the most of my time scrapping and be outside replenishing my Vitamin D stores, I turn to sketches. Uh, efficient and beautiful!

Here are a few of my favorite sketch sites:
Got Sketch?
Inspired Blueprints
My Sketch World
Little Book of Sketches

What is so great about these sites is that there is something for everyone - they have sketches for layouts and cards...and some have sketches for tags, mini books and more! So these are a few of my favorites; care to share yours?

With sketches, please don't feel pressured to replicate the sketch exactly. Consider the sketch a jumping off point. Take ideas from the sketch and make it your own. Combine elements from several sketches. If you have more or less photos than the original sketch, it doesn't matter. If the card sketch is rectangular and you want to make a square card, go for it! There is no Sketch Police waiting in the background! Feel free to make it your own!

Here is a layout that I did for Valerie Salmon - it has many elements of the original sketch but there are also parts of the layout that were done just for me! And best of all, this layout was created in under an hour! Why? Because the hard part was already done for me!

So you see, it IS possible to have it ALL! :-)

Psst...if you haven't started your Father's Day present yet, don't worry...just pick a sketch and go for it! That's what I am doing! LOL


  1. Thanks for all the sketch links V! They'll come in handy for all that summer scrapping I plan to be doing. I love your LO too!!

  2. That LO is fabulous - love it! Great job!

  3. Such an awesome idea! I absolutely LOVE your layout and sketches are so much fun!
